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April 2024 Edition - Dignity of the Human Person

The articles and artwork of each Tablet Jr. are created by the students of the diocesan academies, and each month, there is a new theme and a new academy. St. Margaret's Catholic Academy is this month's school to showcase its journalistic skills. Enjoy reading the additional student submissions and using the teacher resources below. Let us pray that the Catholic Social Teachings guide us to be leaders in faith.

Featured Articles
Are You Okay? A Simple Question Can Make a Difference

Human dignity, the belief that all people hold a unique value tied solely to their humanity, is a concept that is deeply intertwined with respect.

Religious Freedom Is a Right

In September, an anti-religious group tried to throw cold water on an Alabama university’s football team coach after getting filmed assisting with a student's Baptism on Campus. 

The Impact of Mental Health Issues on the Adolescence

Our human dignity means that we all equally have the chance to live a happy, healthy life, both physically and mentally.

Additional Articles- click on the photo to read the article.
The Harm of Social Media on Our Dignity

Max Milom Gr. 7

How Can We Prevent Racism?

Tianna Jaimes Gr. 7

Discrimination and Division

Nancy Muniz Gr. 7


Michael DeLodi Gr. 7

Quit Criticizing

Gabriella Hernandez Gr. 7

Love Your Neighbor as Ourselves

Chloe Miranda Gr. 7

Justice for People with Disabilities

Cassandra McCarthy & Amelia Chang Grade 7

Music as a Tool for Good

  Brooke-Lynn Weisberg Grade 6

Stop the Hate

Madison Dalto and Yalina Acosta Gr. 7

Student Artwork
Instructional Resource Guide

Print-rich materials that can motivate and engage students in class

About the Tablet Jr.

A collaboration between CTN and The Tablet Editorial staff, The Tablet Jr. includes stories written by middle-grade students from diocesan academies and schools as well as studen-created artwork. Additional elements include a question-and-answer column, a diocesan history column, fun activities such as word puzzles, and a news article written by a member of The Tablet staff.